Research Article

A Semantic Model to Study Neural Organization of Language in Bilingualism

Figure 1

Schematic diagram describing the general structure of the network. The upper shadow squares represent distinct Feature Areas and are organized in a topological way. Each area embodies 20 20 elements (black circles), represented by means of Wilson-Cowan oscillators, devoted to the representation of a specific feature of an object. The lower squares represent the two populations of neurons in the Lexical Area: excitatory neurons, responsible for the representation of words, and inhibitory interneurons, involved in tasks like problem solving. Each of these areas is made of 40 40 elements (black circles), which are represented by a first-order dynamic and a sigmoidal relationship. Between the Feature and the Lexical Areas there is a decision network, which un-inhibits the lexical area, in case of correctly segmented objects. The model includes intra-area (excitatory and inhibitory) synapses among elements belonging to the same Feature Area, long-range excitatory interarea synapses between oscillators in different Feature Areas, and long-range excitatory synapses between elements in the Feature Network and in the Lexical Areas ( ).