Assessment of a Colonoscopy Triage Sheet for Use in a Province-Wide Population-Based Colorectal Screening Program
Table 3
Indication by referring physician and endoscopist for all findings.
Indication referral (%; 95% CI) or mean (std) ()
Endoscopist indication (%; 95% CI) or mean (std) ()
Indication 01 or 02, immediate or urgent ≤ 14 days
2.0 (1.2; 2.9)
3.6 (2.5; 4.8)
Indication 03, semielective ≤ 60 days
1.4 (0.7; 2.2)
0.3 (0.0; 0.6)
Indication 04, semielective ≤ 60 days
7.2 (5.6; 8.7)
8.5 (6.8; 10.2)
Indication 05, semielective ≤ 60 days
2.2 (1.3; 3.1)
1.6 (0.9; 2.4)
Indication 06, semielective ≤ 60 days
8.2 (6.6; 9.9)
7.1 (5.5; 8.6)
Indication 07, semielective ≤ 60 days
7.6 (6.0; 9.2)
3.9 (2.7; 5.1)
Indication 08 or 09, elective ≤ 6 months
11.4 (9.5; 13.3)
18.8 (16.4; 21.1)
Indication 10, elective ≤ 6 months
1.5 (0.8; 2.3)
1.4 (0.7; 2.2)
Indication 11, screening
36.7 (33.7; 39.6)
37.5 (34.6; 40.5)
Indication 12, elective ≤ 6 months
8.0 (6.4; 9.7)
3.8 (2.7; 5.0)
Indications 13 to 16, follow-up
13.8 (11.7; 15.9)
13.1 (11.1; 15.2)
Weighted kappa
0.52 (0.48; 0.57)
185 missing indications (only indications provided on the CTS form). Includes no endoscopist indication corresponding to a P1 priority rating as no such patients were colonoscoped as outpatients; all were referred through the emergency room or as inpatients.