Research Article
Model for End-Stage Liver Disease and Sodium Velocity Predicts Overall Survival in Nonmetastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients
Table 1
Characteristics of the 182 subjects included in this study.
| Characteristic | N=182 |
| Age, mean (SD) | 61.8 (11.1) |
| Gender, n (%) | | Male | 133 (73%) | Female | 49 (27%) |
| Stage, n (%) | | I | 65 (36%) | II | 51 (66%) | III | 66 (36) |
| AFP (ng/mL) | | < 400 | 127 (70%) | > 400 | 55 (30%) |
| Race, n (%) | | White | 107 (59%) | Black/African American | 54 (30%) | Asian | 5 (2%) | Other/Unknown | 16 (9%) |
| Ethnicity, n (%) | | Not Hispanic/Latino | 85 (47%) | Hispanic/Latino | 97 (54%) |
| Etiology of cirrhosis, n (%) | | HCV | 120 (66%) | HBV | 13 (7%) | HBV + HCV | 4 (2%) | Alcoholism | 24 (13%) | Unknown | 21 (12%) |
| MELD-Na, median (IQR) | 9.7 (7.5 to 13.3) |
| MELD-Na_90, median (IQR) | 11.8 (8.5 to 18.8) |