Research Article
SHMT2 Drives the Progression of Colorectal Cancer by Regulating UHRF1 Expression
Figure 2
SHMT2 knockdown impaired CRC cell proliferation by blocking G1/S transition. (a) WB analysis of SHMT2 protein levels in 6 CRC cell lines. ACTB was used as control. (b) WB analysis of SHMT2 expression level in SW480 and SW620 cells transduced with 2 shRNA of SHMT2 TET-ON virus in the absence and presence of doxycycline. (c) The proliferation of shSHMT2 TET-ON SW480 and SW620 cells in the absence and presence of doxycycline was analyzed by a CCK-8 assay. The cell numbers were analyzed every day for 5 days. (d) Representative colony-forming assay showing the effects of SHMT2 expression of SW480 and SW620 on the clonogenicity. (e) The percentage of cells in each phase was determined by flow cytometric analysis. (f) WB analysis of cell cycle-related genes after SHMT2 knockdown. SHMT2: serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2 (mitochondrial); CRC: colorectal cancer; sh: short hairpin RNA.
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