Research Article

Geographic Distribution of HCV Genotypes and Efficacy of Direct-Acting Antivirals in Chronic HCV-Infected Patients in North and Northeast China: A Real-World Multicenter Study

Table 1

Demographic and virological characteristics of HCV-infected patients in North and Northeast China.

Arean (%)Age median (IQR) (years)Gender, n (%)HCV RNA median (IQR) (lg·IU/ml)

NorthHebei653 (30.20)56 (49, 64)333(56.25)259 (43.75)5.92 (5.05, 6.47)
Shanxi239 (11.05)53 (44, 60)113 (48.50)120 (51.50)6.15 (5.54, 6.64)
Tianjin207 (9.57)58 (51.25, 66)87 (42.03)120 (57.97)6.23 (5.51, 6.73)
Inner Mongolia200 (9.25)52 (42.25, 60)137 (68.50)63 (31.50)5.80 (5.55, 6.67)

NortheastLiaoning526 (24.33)55 (49, 63)188 (55.95)148 (44.05)5.96 (5.18, 6.45)§
Heilongjiang337 (15.59)55 (48, 64)131 (42.53)177 (57.47)5.75 (5.06, 6.38)द

Total216255 (48, 63)989 (52.72)887 (47.28)5.95 (5.22, 6.52)

HCV: hepatitis C virus; IQR: interquartile range; versus Hebei; versus Shanxi; § versus Tianjin; versus Inner Mongolia.