Research Article

Outcomes of Adult Liver Retransplantation: A Canadian National Database Analysis

Table 5

Multivariable analysis after backward stepwise selection of predictors for patient survival in retransplantation.

Patient survival (n = 196)Patient survival (n = 302)
Including HCV statusExcluding HCV status
HR95% CI valueHR95% CI value

Recipient age (5-year increase)1.121.03–1.220.011
Recipient HCV-positive1.811.06–3.080.014
Donor age (5-year increase)1.091.03–1.160.008
Donor CMV-positive (≤3 years)1.290.73–2.280.371.260.80–1.970.32
Donor CMV-positive (>3 years)6.591.85–23.540.0044.101.50–11.250.006