Research Article

Plasma S100A8 and S100A9 Are Strong Prognostic Factors for Hepatitis B Virus-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Figure 3

The correlations between the plasma S100A8 or S100A9 levels and prognostic scoring systems. (a) Spearman’s correlation analyses between S100A8 and MELDs, (c) CLIF-SOFAs, (e) CLIF-C OFs, (g) CLIF-C ACLFs, (i) COSSH-ACLFs, and (k) COSSH-ACLF IIs. (b) Spearman’s correlation analyses between S100A9 and MELDs, (d) CLIF-SOFAs, (f) CLIF-C OFs, (h) CLIF-C ACLFs, (j) COSSH-ACLFs, and (l) COSSH-ACLF IIs.