Research Article

Analysis of Complications and Risk Factors Other than Bleeding before and after Endoscopic Treatment of Esophagogastric Variceal Bleeding in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

Table 1

Complications of cirrhosis other than esophagogastric variceal bleeding at admission and at the late follow-up.

Other complications of cirrhosis at the time of admissionNumber and proportion of complications (361 cases)Other complications of cirrhosis occur later in lifeTotal number and proportion of complications (171 cases)

Portal vein thrombosis and/or cavernous lesions178 (49.31%)Portal vein thrombosis and/or cavernous lesions89 (52.05%)
Gallstone disease152 (42.11%)Infection70 (40.94%)
Infection101 (27.98%)Gallstone disease68 (39.77%)
Primary liver cancer33 (9.14%)Electrolyte disorders47 (27.49%)
Electrolyte disorders19 (5.26%)Hepatic encephalopathy23 (13.45%)
Hepatic encephalopathy8 (2.22%)Primary liver cancer23 (13.45%)
Hepatorenal syndrome2 (0.55%)Hepatorenal syndrome6 (3.51%)
Hepatopulmonary syndrome0Hepatopulmonary syndrome1 (0.58%)

Note. Some patients had a combination of two or more complications.