Research Article

Liver Microbiome in Healthy Rats: The Hidden Inhabitants of Hepatocytes

Figure 5

Alpha and beta diversity in liver and intestinal bacteria composition. Liver bacteria showed significantly higher richness and evenness than gut bacteria. The liver bacteria of different individuals were significantly more similar than the intestinal bacteria (genus level, binary Jaccard method). (a) Rank abundance curve of liver and intestinal bacteria. (b) Indices of α-diversity. compared with SI and LI, . Simpson index was calculated as 1-∑pi2. (c) Principal component analysis (PCA). (d) Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). (e) Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis. (f) Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM). LV: liver; LI: large intestine (feces); SI: small intestine (ileum).