Research Article

[Retracted] Electroacupuncture Treats Myocardial Infarction by Influencing the Regulation of Substance P in the Neurovascular to Modulate PGI2/TXA2 Metabolic Homeostasis via PI3K/AKT Pathway: A Bioinformatics-Based Multiomics and Experimental Study

Table 2

Docking results for neuropeptide SP with core proteins using AutoDock Vina.

ProteinCompoundStructureVina (kcalĀ·mol-1)RMSD

Myd88 (5AIU)Substance P-1.50
Irak1 (6BFN)Substance P-4.42.372
Nfkb1 (5LW1)Substance P-4.50
Pik3ca (5SX8)Substance P-8.42.029
AKT1 (4EJN)Substance P-8.51.315
Mtor (2L0X)Substance P-5.43.0