Research Article

[Retracted] Effects of Thoracic Paravertebral Block on Postoperative Anxiety and Depression for Patients Undergoing Thoracoscopic Lung Cancer Radical Surgery

Table 2

Comparison of NRS pain score and the number of times the button on the PCA was pressed at different time points after surgery between two groups.

TPVB group ()Control group () value value

NRS pain score at rest at 24 h after surgery2.59630.0108
NRS pain score at rest at 48 h after surgery4.67330.0000
NRS pain score during movement at 24 h after surgery4.88520.0000
NRS pain score during movement at 48 h after surgery3.82840.0002
The number of times pressing PCA at 24 h after surgery8.11180.0000

TPVB: thoracic paravertebral block; PCA: patient-controlled analgesia; NRS: numeric rating scale.