Research Article

MOFSRank: A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Feature Selection in Learning to Rank

Algorithm 1

The Framework of MOFSRank.
Input:  :  maximum generations of multi-objective instance selection, :  population size of
multi-objective instance selection, :  crossover probability of multi-objective instance selection,
:  mutation probability of multi-objective instance selection, :  maximum generations
of multi-objective feature selection, :  population size of multi-objective feature selection, :  crossover
probability of multi-objective feature selection, :  mutation probability of multi-objective
feature selection, :  maximum generations of multi-objective ensemble, :  population size of
multi-objective ensemble, :  crossover probability of multi-objective ensemble, :  mutation
probability of multi-objective ensemble;
Output:  The final selected feature subset ;
   Reading original Pairwise training data set;
/Instance Selection Phase/
/Feature Selection Phase/
/Ensemble Phase/
  Return ;