Research Article

MOFSRank: A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Feature Selection in Learning to Rank

Algorithm 3

Input: :  maximum generations of multi-objective feature selection, :  population size of multi-objective
feature selection, :  crossover probability of multi-objective feature selection, :  mutation probability
of multi-objective feature selection, :  a set of non-dominated instance subsets;
Output: a set of non-dominated feature subsets , and their corresponding rankers set ;
  Initializing the population ;
  for   to   do
 /Evaluating by two proposed objectives with formula (2)/
for   to   do
   calculating the number of non-zero features in ; the first objective value of -th individual
  ; select the ranker with the smallest value of
on the as the ranker of individual
  ; the second objective value of -th individual
end for
Binary Tournament ;
calculating with formulas (3), (5) and (6);
Variation ;
Environmental ;
  end for
   selecting the solutions on the Pareto front;
   the corresponding ranker set of ;
  Return   and ;