Types of variables | Symbol | Description |
Sets | R | Set of hydropower station candidates |
S | Set of scenarios of the operational stages |
Deterministic variables | T | The planning horizon is composed of T operational stages |
Rmin | The minimum required number of hydropower stations in the plan |
e | Unit construction fee (RMB/m3) |
f | Unit profit of power generation (RMB/KWh) |
Δt | Time interval of each operational stage (h, which is the abbreviation of hour) |
ci | Penalty coefficient per unit in hydropower station candidate i (RMB/m3) |
Ki | Coefficient of output of candidate i (kg/(m2·s2)) |
Nimin | The minimum output of candidate i (kW) |
Nimax | The maximum output of candidate i (kW) |
Hi | Water head of candidate i (m) |
Vimin | The minimum required water storage of candidate i when it is selected (m3) |
Qimax | The maximum discharge limit of local area around candidate i (m3/h) |
QFimax | The upper limit water discharge of candidate i (m3/h) |
QFimin | The lower limit water discharge of candidate i (m3/h) |
ri(t) | Unit operational cost of candidate i at stage t (RMB/(m3·h)) |
Stochastic variables | ps | The probability of stagewise scenario s |
| Outside water inflows in candidate i at stage t under scenario s (m3/h) |
| Water demands in candidate i at stage t under scenario s (m3/h) |
| Acceptance level of water discharge in local area surrounding candidate i at stage t under scenario s (m3/h) |