Research Article

Learning to Make Document Context-Aware Recommendation with Joint Convolutional Matrix Factorization

Algorithm 1

The learning algorithm of JCMF.
The hyperparameters , , and ; user-item rating matrix ; item relation matrix ; user social matrix ; user review text ; item review text ; threshold
 Latent vectors ; internal weights of CNNs and ;
for each item j do
  Preprocess and represent review content as a word embedding based input: ;
end for
for each user i do
  Preprocess and represent review content as a word embedding based input: ;
end for
 Initialize ;
while do
  for each user i do
   Get from user CNN model;
   Update according to equation (18);
  end for
  for each item j do
   Get from item CNN model;
   Update according to equation (19);
  end for
  for each item i in do
   Update according to equation (20);
  end for
  for each user j in do
   Update according to equation (21);
  end for
   Update according to equation (22);
   Update according to equation (23);
   Compute according to equation (17);
end while
return ;