Research Article

A Novel Image Encryption Scheme Based on PWLCM and Standard Map

Algorithm 1

The proposed image encryption scheme.
(1)Input the plain image .
(2)Create an initial state and a parameter of PWLCM: .
(3)Generate .
(4)Create a new initial state and a parameter of PWLCM: .
(5)Calculate the vectors: .
(7) Initialize permuted image .
(8)for % Improved permutation process do
(9)  fordo
(10)   fordo
(11)    Calculate and a shift amount .
(12)    .
(13)   end for
(14)  end for
(15)  .
(16)end for
(17) Initialize medium and encrypted image: , .
(18)fordo % High-speed diffusion
(19)  fordo
(20)   Perform row diffusion to get .
(21)  end for
(22)  fordo
(23)   Perform column diffusion to obtain .
(24)  end For
(25)  .
(26)end for
(28)end for
(29)Output the final encrypted image .