Research Article

Detecting Dynamic States of Temporal Networks Using Connection Series Tensors

Table 3

The first day’s program of ACM hypertext 2009 conference (


9 : 00∼10 : 30Setup time for posters and demos
10 : 30∼11 : 45Workshops 1
11 : 45∼12 : 00Coffee break 1
12 : 00∼13 : 30Workshops 2
13 : 30∼15 : 00Lunch break
15 : 00∼16 : 30Workshops 3
16 : 30∼16 : 45Coffee break 2
16 : 45∼18 : 05Workshops 4
18 : 05∼18 : 10Short break
18 : 10∼19 : 00Wine and cheese welcome reception