Research Article

The Impacts of Multiscale Urban Road Network Centrality on Taxi Travel: A Case Study in Shenzhen

Table 2

Indicator framework.

FactorsIndicatorsProxy variables

Road network centricityCloseness centrality (Cc)Equation (1)
Betweenness centrality (Cb)Equation (2)
Straightness centrality (Cs)Equation (3)

Street surrounding environmentDistance from metro station (DMS)Distance from the street to the nearest metro station
Distance from bus station (DBS)Distance from the street to the nearest bus station
Number of metro and bus stations nearby (NMBS)Number of subway and bus stops in the statistical units
Frequency of pick-ups and drop-offs on surrounding streets (FSS)The sum of pick-ups and drop-offs frequencies of the adjacent streets considering the spatial autocorrelation
POI density (PD)Density of POI in the statistical units
Development intensity (DI)Volume ratio in the statistical units