Research Article

Robustness Analysis of the Regional and Interregional Components of the Weighted World Air Transportation Network

Table 1

Basic topological properties of the world air transportation network, the five large local components, and the largest global component. N is the network size. is the number of edges. δ is the diameter. l is the average shortest path length. μ is the density. ζ is the transitivity, also called the global clustering coefficient. knn (k) is the assortativity, also called the degree correlation coefficient.


World air transportation network273416665123,860,0040,26−0,05
North America-Caribbean725379473.140.0140.28−0.325
East and Southeast Asia-Oceania630301293.350.0150.34−0.22
Africa-Middle East-Southern Asia31398973.370.020.28−0.15
South America20149463.20.0240.23−0.35
Large global component5572108830.0130.13−0.25