Research Article

Robustness Analysis of the Regional and Interregional Components of the Weighted World Air Transportation Network

Table 3

Evolution of the weighted efficiency and the LCC of the large local components after their isolation due to attacks based on strength. The order of isolation of the components is also presented. ωi is the weighted efficiency before attacks based on strength. ω is the weighted efficiency after the separation. λ is the largest connected component size after the separation. ρ is the fraction of top strength nodes removed from the world air transportation network to isolate the component. γ is the order in which the components are isolated. After their isolation, the components lose much of their efficiency.

Componentsωiω (%)λ (%)ρ (%)γ

North America-Caribbean57.424719.8691
East and Southeast Asia-Oceania31.314.8515.419.69.62
Africa-Middle East-India18.53.9721.4516.6113.34
South America2310.746.516.411.43