Research Article

Chaotic Honeybees Optimization Algorithms Approach for Traveling Salesperson Problem

Algorithm 1

MBO Metaheuristics.
Define the number of queens Q, Workers W, larvae B, mating flights G, and spermatheca size
Define the energy and speed of the queens
Assign each worker with a different heuristic
Assign the genotype of the queens randomly
Choose a worker randomly and apply its genotype to the queen’s genotype
While the number of mating flights <=G
For queen = 1 through Q
Assign queen power and speed
Assign step = 0.5 × energy/M
Assign path randomly
As long as energy> 0 and the spermatheca is not full
The queen moves between different states and probabilistically chooses drones
If a drone is selected, then
Add your sperm to the queen’s spermatheca
Upgrade energy and speed of the queen
End For
Generate larva by crossing and mutation
Use workers to improve larva
Update the fitness of the workers
While the best of larvae is better than the worst of queens
Replace the worst queen with the best larva
Remove the best larva from the larvae list
End while
Remove all larva
End While