Review Article

The Line-Haul Feeder Vehicle Routing Problem: A Classification and Review

Table 1

The improved algorithms.

AuthorLFVRPLFVRPTWHLFRPTWELFRPTWTabu searchObjective valueMin costSequential insertionCost-sharingmethodThreshold methodLinkage methodSplit methodResultsImp. rate (%)CPU (GHz)Ref

Chen et al.Initial solve: 16769 The best solve: 15521Initial solve: 16849 The best solve: 15337(1) Number of small vehicles: LFVRP-VD performs best
(2) Objective values: the VRP approach, followed by the LFVRP-VD performs best
(3) Local search improvement: the LFVRP-VD performs best, followed by the VRP

Chen et al.LFVRPTW: 22970
VRPTW: 25101
(1) Number of small vehicles: LFVRPTW are better than those for the VRPTW|
(2) Objective values: LFVRPTW are better than those for the VRPTW

Chen and WangLFVRPTW: 18719
ELFRPTW: 18300
(1) Number of small vehicles: ELFVRPTW is advantageous over the LFVRPTW
(2) Objective values: ELFVRPTW is advantageous over the LFVRPTW

Chen4type I: 23771.7 8type I: 23370.94type I: 23080.5 8type I: 22561.32(1) LFVRPTW usually yields better results than the VRPTW
(2) LFVRPTW is beneficial compared with VRPTW
(3) Less restrained time window constraints can yield vast gain to the LFVRPTW

Brandstatter and ReimannCost average: 10778Cost average: 11375(1) Number of small vehicles: LFVRP is advantageous over the HFVRP
(2) They investigated the impact of random aspects of the algorithms by repeatedly running the approaches 10, 100, and 1000 times
(3) The linkage approach outperforms the break split approach when the depot is much less far off, or SV capacity is big, we discover that the split approach benefits greater strongly from its larger synchronization potential while the depot is further afield or small
Split: 32.8

Brandstatter and ReimannAverage solomon: 1822
Average chen: 2244
Average total: 2054
Average solomon: 1915
Average chen: 2362
Average total: 2161
They propose and justify several improvements to original algorithms including metaheuristic strategy (MS), metaheuristic algorithm (MA), multiple solutions strategy (MS), and local search strategy (LS)
Best found results from both approaches:
Average solomon: 1637
Average chen: 2015
Average total: 1845

BrandstatterThey able to handle time windows by four improvement strategies including metaheuristic strategy (MS), metaheuristic algorithm (MA), enerating multiple solutions (MS), and local search (LS).3.1[12]