Case Series

GTR Treatment in Furcation Grade II Periodontal Defects with the Recently Reintroduced Guidor PLA Matrix Barrier: A Case Series with Chronological Step-by-Step Illustrations

Figure 1

(a) Tooth 36 (FDI) baseline mesiobuccal VPD with 3 mm PPD F. (b) Tooth 36 (FDI) baseline distobuccal VPD with 3 mm PPD. (c) Tooth 36 (FDI) baseline 5 mm buccal VPD at the furcation entrance. (d) Tooth 36 (FDI) baseline periapical X-ray with furcation involvement grade 2. (e) Tooth 26 (FDI) baseline image of the gingiva margin at the furcation area. (f) Tooth 26 (FDI) baseline buccal 6 mm VPD at the furcation entrance. (g) Tooth 26 (FDI) baseline 6 mm HPD indicating buccal FI grade 2. (h) Tooth 26 (FDI) baseline periapical X-ray with furcation involvement grade 2.