Case Series

GTR Treatment in Furcation Grade II Periodontal Defects with the Recently Reintroduced Guidor PLA Matrix Barrier: A Case Series with Chronological Step-by-Step Illustrations

Figure 2

(a) The incision technique according to the modified papilla preservation method (MPTT) for accessing the buccal furcation in the mandibular molars (region 37-35). (b) Clinical image of the furcation defect after the preparation of the buccal full-thickness flap at tooth 36 which leaves the interproximal papillae in place. (c) The soft tissue preparation with deepithelized papillae prior to barrier insertion in the mandible. (d) Clinical image of the furcation area at tooth 26 before debridement after buccal full-thickness flap preparation with preserved papillae. (e) Clinical perspective of the furcation defect of tooth 26 after degranulation.