Case Series

GTR Treatment in Furcation Grade II Periodontal Defects with the Recently Reintroduced Guidor PLA Matrix Barrier: A Case Series with Chronological Step-by-Step Illustrations

Figure 5

(a) The complete tensionless flap closure achieved by the coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique and the modified vertical mattress suture using PTFE 4.0 suture at tooth 36. The buccal aspect shows complete cover of the papillae and the barrier by the soft tissue. (b) The complete tensionless flap closure achieved by the CAF technique and the modified vertical mattress suture using PTFE 4.0 suture at tooth 26. The buccal aspect shows complete cover of the papillae and the barrier by the soft tissue. (c) The mesial view at the coronally repositioned flap at tooth 26.