Case Report

Modified Tunnel Procedure to Facilitate Ridge Reconstruction of an Extraction Socket Associated with Buccal Dehiscence and Gingival Recession: A Case Report with a 6-year Follow-Up

Figure 5

(a and c) Preoperative CBCT and (b and d) 6 months CBCT views were used for linear and horizontal measurements. Six months cross-sectional CBCT showed buccal augmentation and complete infill (delineated in dashed line) to the crest of the buccal defect (b, arrowed). Vertical measurements were taken from the CEJ to the buccal, or lingual alveolar crest (arrowed). (a and b) The preoperative BRH was 5.69 mm, and the postoperative BRH was 4.34 mm. (a and b) The preoperative LRH was 3.32 mm and postoperatively this measured 4.34 mm. (c and d) The preoperative HRW was 9.34 mm and reduced slightly to 8.10 mm postoperatively.