Case Series

Clinical Features and Outcomes of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor-Associated Bullous Pemphigoid (DPP4i-Associated BP) in Thai Patients

Table 1

Summary of clinical characteristics and outcomes in our case series of DPP4i-associated bullous pemphigoid.

Case no.Age/sexType of DPP4iLatency period (months)DechallengeFinal outcomes

187/MLinagliptin40NoDied from CA lung
274/MVildagliptin128Yes, after the onset of BP 8 monthsStable with oral prednisolone 5 mg/day
385/MVildagliptin64Yes, after the onset of BP 24 monthsComplete remission for 5 months, and then, he died from sudden cardiac arrest
484/MSitagliptin65Yes, after the onset of BP 15 monthsComplete remission for 4 months, and then, relapsed
572/MVildagliptin20Yes, after the onset of BP 2 monthsBP gradually progressed, and then, he died from sudden cardiac arrest