Case Report

Coinheritance of the c.-19 G > C and c.315 + 1 G > A Variants in the β-Globin Gene Leads to Thalassemia Disease: A Report from the North of Iran

Table 1

The hematological indices of the presented case with β-thalassemia.

The studied parameterRBC1 (×106/µl)Hb2 (g/dL)MCV3 (fl)MCH4 (pg)M.C.H.C5 (g/dl)R.D.W6 (micg/r)Ferritin (ng/ml)

The case2.86674.52128.233.6906
Normal range4.5–5.912–1780–10027−331–37115−1530–400

1Red blood cell. 2Hemoglobin. 3Mean corpuscular volume. 4Mean corpuscular hemoglobin. 5Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. 6Red blood cell distribution width.