Case Report

Coinheritance of the c.-19 G > C and c.315 + 1 G > A Variants in the β-Globin Gene Leads to Thalassemia Disease: A Report from the North of Iran

Table 2

Hematological indices of the parents of the case with thalassemia (the mother is a silent carrier).

Variant of β-globinRBC (×106/µl)Hb (g/dL)MCV (fl)MCH (pg)Hb-A (%)Hb-A2 (%)Hb-F (%)

Fatherc.350 + 1 G > A5.371061.818.694.55.1>0.5
Motherc.-19 G > C3.8710.482.426.997.12.9<0.5