Case Report

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GISTs) with KRAS Mutation: A Rare but Important Subset of GISTs

Table 2

KRAS-mutated GIST.

ReferencesAge/genderSiteKRAS mutationKIT IHCDOG1 IHCSDH IHCHistology

Miranda et al. [13]NMGastricG12DNMNMNMNM
Miranda et al. [13]NMSmall bowelG13DNMNMNMNM
Miranda et al. [13]NMGastricG12A/G13DNMNMNMNM
Antonescu et al. [14]66/maleSmall bowelG12VNegNMNMAnaplastic
Serrano et al. [15]61/maleGastricG12RPosNMNMSpindle
Hechtman et al. [16]67/maleGastricG12VPosNMLostPleomorphic epithelioid
Gao et al. [17]NMNMG13DNMNMNMNM
Mavroeidas et al. [18]NM/maleGastricG12DNMNMNMSpindle
Current case 177/femaleSmall bowelG12DPosPosRetainedPleomorphic spindle
Current case 250/femaleSmall bowelG13DPosPosRetainedEpithelioid and spindle

IHC = immunohistochemistry; Pos = positive; Neg = negative; NM = not mentioned;  = with concomitant KIT mutation;  = with concomitant PDGFRA mutation.