Case Report

Clinical and Genetic Findings of the First Report of PAPA Syndrome in Brazil

Figure 1

(a) Magnetic resonance imaging of the left knee. Sagittal plane (left); transverse plane (right), T2-weighted contrast. Presence of an extraarticular infiltrative process with involvement of the subcutaneous tissue and epidermis; inflammatory infiltration of adjacent muscle tissue, without evident collections; small foci of inflammatory edema affecting the subcortical bone marrow; extensive synovitis in the patellar recess and intraarticular involvement. In the transverse plane, there is an increase in the inflammatory process, with volumetric impingement of the popliteus neurovascular bundle. (b) Clinical characteristics of the pyoarthritis. Sequelae with increased left knee volume (left); the inflammatory process in the right ankle caused by trauma from the buckle on footwear (right).