Case Report

Neuropsychiatric Alterations in a Patient Diagnosed with Advanced Korsakoff’s Syndrome: Clinical Case of Low Incidence and Prevalence in Colombia

Table 1

Assessment protocol that aims at neuropsychological tasks as a function of Korsakoff’s syndrome in the patient.


Mini-mental test (MMSE)It is a brief cognitive tracking test; it evaluates cognitive functions; it is composed of 30 sections and grouped into five dimensions: orientation (10 points), fixation (3 points), orientation (5 points), calculation and memory (3 points), language (8 points), and visuoconstructive skills (1 point)
Dementia rating scale (DRS-2)It is a scale that aims to assess general cognitive aspects. It is an instrument with high validity for detecting clinical pictures of dementia. It has a total score of 144 points, grouped into 5 subsections: attention (37 points); initiative/perseveration (37 points); construction (6 points); conceptualization (39 points); memory (25 points)
Digit retentionWeschler scale digit retention: It is a subtest of the WAIS-IV that aims to measure the levels of attention and immediate verbal memory
Trail making test (TMT)TMT-A: It is a paper and pencil test that aims to measure the levels of attention. The patient must complete the test in the shortest possible time.
TMT-B: The subjects must match numbers from 1 to 25 consecutively, and executive functions which consists of matching numbers from 1 to 13, but alternating with letters (1A-2B-3C-4D-5D and so on consecutively). The patient must complete the test in the shortest possible time.
Babcock’s story recall testIt aims to assess verbal and delayed memory. The test is presented by the auditory pathway. Rey’s complex figure.
Rey complex figureIt is a screening test or brief cognitive tracking; its objective is to evaluate cognitive functions in patients with neurological or neurodegenerative diseases. It is a test that aims to assess visuospatial memory and visuomotor ability.
The clock-drawing testIt is a screening test or brief cognitive tracking; its objective is to evaluate cognitive functions in patients with neurological or neurodegenerative diseases. It is a test that aims to assess visuospatial memory and visuomotor ability.
Memory testIt is a test that aims to assess immediate and delayed verbal memory. A series of words is read to the patient; then, he must verbalize them. After a while, the patient is asked to remember the list of words.
Brief frontal assessment battery (FAB)It is a specific test that measures executive functioning and cognitive deficits or low performance in older adults or those diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease.
Verbal fluencyThe patient presented with a task where he has to name animals and common names in one minute. Furthermore, it can also be performed alternately, when the subject must name a word, alternating it with a category required by the evaluator. The score is obtained by the sum of the correct answers.
Barthel indexIt is a questionnaire that aims to evaluate and assess the level of functional independence of the patients, during basic activities of daily living.
Lawton and BrodyIt is a questionnaire that assesses the level of functional independence of the subjects to perform instrumental activities of daily living.
Health self-perception questionnaire (GHQ-28)It is a questionnaire that evaluates health and self-perception of health in subjects with different clinical conditions. The questionnaire is grouped into four sections of seven items (somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction, and depression). A score greater than or equal to 23 points is a possible indicator of a psychiatric condition.