Case Report

Ipsilateral Limb Extension of Referred Trigeminal Facial Pain due to Greater Occipital Nerve Entrapment: A Case Report

Figure 1

Schematic diagram showing the distribution and characteristics of chronic pain. (a) The gray areas over the left hemiface indicate the distribution of pain that occurred three months prior to the patient’s visit. The pain was more severe in the left periorbital, cheek, and chin, and the periorbital area was the most painful. The nature of the pain was a feeling of tightness and pressure, which lasted all day. (b) The location (gray area) of tightening and squeezing pain on the side of the left leg that occurred 5 years ago. A few days after the onset of pain in the left leg, a similar pain occurred in the patient’s left arm. (c) The location of the pain in the left posterolateral neck and shoulder that suddenly worsened 3 years before admission. (d) A drawing showing the distribution of pain in the left hemiface (gray area) that suddenly occurred as the existing left posterolateral neck pain worsened. This hemifacial pain was also described by the patient as a constant pulling and tightening pain.