Case Report

The Novel Ulnar Nerve Coverage Method Which Has the Potential to Prevent the Postoperative Ulnar Neuropathy after Plate Fixation of Distal Humerus Fractures: Three Case Reports

Table 1

Results of postoperative nerve conduction study of the ulnar nerve.

Injured sideNoninjured side
MCV (m/s)SCV (m/s)CMAP (mV)SNAP (uV)MCV (m/s)SCV (m/s)CMAP (mV)SNAP (uV)

Case 141.761.12.524.636.551.62.44.2
Case 252.855.43.40.863.456.24.40.8
Case 35671.46.315.750.458.35.61.2

MCV: motor nerve conduction velocity; SCV: sensory nerve conduction velocity; CMAP: compound motor action potential; SNAP: sensory nerve action potential.