Case Report

An Uncommon Cause of Dysphagia: Postpneumonectomy Syndrome

Figure 2

Coronal (a) and axial (b, c) reformats on contrast-enhanced chest CT more saliently depict the leftward cardiomediastinal shift and ipsilateral intercostal space narrowing (yellow arrows). Expected postsurgical fluid filling the pneumectomy space is present only along the superoposterior left hemithorax (labeled P). A small hiatal hernia is present (red arrows), which may be partly due to the tortuous course of the esophagus in the left hemithorax and consequent upward traction on the stomach. There may be some extrinsic compression on the esophagus (black arrows) between the left atrium and descending thoracic aorta, although an obstruction or poor distensibility was suggested on esophagram.