Acute Demyelination in a Person with Amphetamine Abuse
Figure 1
Microphotographs of the lesion in the occipital lobe showing a sharply demarcated area of demyelination ((a) and (b) Luxol-Fast-Blue, magnification 4X), reactive astrogliosis ((c), (h), and (e) stain, magnification 100X), and unaffected nerve fibers ((d) Bodian stain, magnification 200X). Note the perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates ((e) Luxol-Fast-Blue stain, magnification 100X), perivascular T-lymphocytic infiltrates and lymphocytes in the surrounding parenchyma ((f) UHCL antibody, magnification 200X), and activated macrophages/microglia within the demyelinated area (CR3/43 antibody; (g) magnification 25X, (h) magnification 400X).