Case Report

Localized Breast Amyloidosis Associated with Sjörgren Syndrome

Figure 1

(a) A breast lobule shows periductular basement membranes (arrows) thickened by eosinophilic amyloid deposits (H&E, 200x). (b) An atrophic breast lobule and a duct (arrow) are surrounded by eosinophilic amyloid deposits (arrowheads) (H&E, 200x). (c) Congophilic amyloid deposits in periductular basement membranes (arrows) and in perivenular interstitium (arrowheads) (Congo red, 200x). (d) Corresponding image under polarized light shows apple green birefringence of periductular (arrows) and perivenular (arrowheads) amyloid deposits as well as gray-white birefringence of interstitial collagen (Congo red, 200x). (e) A breast lobule with amyloid deposits in periductular basement membranes (arrows) (Congo red, 400x). (f) Corresponding image with apple green birefringence (arrows) under polarized light (Congo red, 400x).