Case Report

Challenges of Diagnosing Viral Myocarditis in Adolescents in the Era of COVID-19 and MIS-C

Figure 4

Parametric mapping and tissue characterization in myocarditis on cardiac MRI. (a) Short-axis midmyocardial T2 map with normal relaxation time and no evidence of acute edema. (b) Precontrast native midmyocardial T1 map showing diffusely elevated T1 relaxation time specifically along the lateral wall (). (c) Midmyocardial extracellular volume (ECV) map indicating increased ECV along the anterior and lateral walls () and the inferoseptal wall (). (d) Postcontrast pulse sequence inversion recovery image of the midmyocardium with increased pericardial signal (), evidence of diffuse subepicardial late gadolinium enhancement along the entirety of the lateral wall (), and mild pericardial effusion (arrow).