Case Series

IgA Vasculitis Nephritis: A Case Series and Comparison of Treatment Guidelines

Table 1

IgAVN cases.

PatientAge/race/genderOrgan involvementBiopsy resultsTherapyOutcomes

122/C/MSkin-abdomen-joints-kidney<25% cellular crescentsGC, MMFImproving proteinuria, in remission
255/C/MSkin-kidneyMesangial proliferation with IgA depositionGCInfection, death
342/C/MSkin-kidney-abdomen<25% cellular crescentGC, CYCImproving proteinuria, in remission
445/C/FSkin-kidney-lungMPGN with IgA-immune complexGC, RTXInfection, death
565/C/FSkin-abdomen-kidney<25% cellular crescentsGC, MMFImproving proteinuria, stable creatinine

GC = glucocorticoids; MMF = mycophenolate mofetil; CYC = cyclophosphamide; RTX = rituximab; C = caucasian; F/M = female/male.