Case Report

Autoinflammatory/Autoimmunity Syndrome Induced By Adjuvants (ASIA) Due to Silicone Incompatibility Syndrome

Table 1

Laboratory values.

Laboratory studiesResultsReference values

Inflammatory markers
C-reactive protein10.73 mg/dL0.00–5.00 mg/dl
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) HEp-2-IFPositive 1: 640, centromeric pattern to immunofluorescencePositive ≥ 1 : 40
Anti-DNA ds, IFNegativePositive ≥ 1 : 10
Antimicrosomal antibodies (TPO)0.44 IU/ml0.00–4.61
Interleukin-6 (IL-6)4.30 pg/ml0–6.50 pg/ml
Sclero-70 antibodies46.67 U<20: negative
20–39: positive-weak
40–80: positive-moderate
>80: positive-strong
Anti-SSB (LA) (ELISA)1.86 U<16: negative
16–20: equivocal
>20: positive
Anti-SM (ELISA)7.06 U<20: negative
20–39: positive-weak
40–80: positive-moderate
>80: positive-strong
Anti-RNP (ELISA)5.00 U<20: negative
20–39: positive-weak
40–80: positive-moderate
>80: positive-strong
Anti-JO3.60 U<20: negative
20–39: positive-weak
40–80: positive-moderate
>80: positive-strong
Rheumatoid factor- nephelometry<20.0 IU/mg0.00–20.0 IU/mg
Citrullinated cyclic peptide antibody0.60 U/mLPositive: <5.0 U/mL
Total vitamin D25.80 ng/ml≥30 ng/dl
Antithyroglobulin antibodies5.48 IU/ml<4.5 UI/mL
Complement C3 nephelometry115.00 mg/dL79.00–152.00 mg/dL
Complement C4 nephelometry21.60 mg/dL16.00–38.00 mg/dL
Hormonal Profile
Intact parathyroid hormone80 pg/mL18–116 pg/mL
TSH- thyroid stimulating hormone0.7273 uUI/mLAdults: 0.35–4.95
T4- total thyroxine7.57 μg/dLAdults: 4.90–11.70
T3- total triiodothyronine1.19 nmol/LAdults: 0.89–2.44
Hepatitis delta IgM (EIA)Negative
HBsAg- hepatitis B surface antigenNot reactive
HBcAc- hepatitis B, anticore IgG/IgMNot reactive
Hepatitis C, antibodies0.03Reactive > 1