Research Article

Chinese Visceral Adiposity Index and Depressive Symptoms in Middle-Aged and Elderly Chinese: Dose-Response Correlation and the Effect Mediated by Sleep Time and Life Satisfaction

Table 2

Association between CVAI and the risk of depressive symptoms in the CHARLS.

Model 1Model 2Model 3

CVAI per IQR0.982 [0.897, 1.074]0.6910.893 [0.810, 0.986]0.0260.885 [0.798, 0.981]0.020
Q1 (≤63.2)RefRefRef
Q2 (≤93.9)0.900 [0.730, 1.110]0.3200.760 [0.620, 0.950]0.0150.760 [0.610, 0.950]0.015
Q3 (≤126.0)0.970 [0.790, 1.200]0.8020.810 [0.650, 1.000]0.0530.810 [0.640, 1.010]0.058
Q4 (≤263.0)1.020 [0.830, 1.250]0.8260.840 [0.670, 1.050]0.1210.830 [0.660, 1.040]0.106
for trend0.6570.2220.199

Note: model 1 contained only independent variables; model 2 adjusted for age, gender, level of education, location, and marital status; model 3 adjusted further for smoking status, drinking status, sleep time, SBP, and DBP (model 3). Abbreviations: CVAI = Chinese visceral adiposity index; IQR = interquartile range.