Research Article

Evolution of Anxiety Disorder Prevalence and Associated Factors in First Responders in Both the Medium and Long Terms after the January 2015 Terrorist Attacks in France

Table 1

Description of sociodemographics, terror exposure, and anxiety disorders among first responders exposed to the January 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, France, IMPACTS survey, 2015-2016.

All respondentsMedical and medicopsychological emergency teamsFirefightersRescue workersPolice officers and intervention forces value1

(21%) (27%) (33%) (18%)

Age (years)
 Mean (range)37 (19-70)44 (25-70)35 (22-54)32 (19-52)40 (26-55)
 Man124 (69)20 (53)42 (86)40 (68)21 (64)
 Woman56 (31)18 (47)7 (14)19 (32)12 (36)
Educational level0.028
 ≤ High school diploma50 (28)12 (32)16 (33)8 (14)13 (39)
 > High school diploma130 (72)26 (68)33 (67)51 (86)20 (61)
Level of exposure<0.001
 Indirect witness109 (61)21 (55)33 (67)40 (68)14 (42)
 Direct witness63 (35)17 (45)16 (33)19 (32)11 (33)
 Directly threatened8 (4)8 (24)
Mental health (wave 1)2
 No anxiety disorder147 (84)28 (80)42 (88)49 (83)27 (84)0.800
 At least one anxiety disorder28 (16)7 (20)6 (12)10 (17)5 (16)
  Agoraphobia14 (8)
  Social anxiety disorder2 (1)
  General anxiety disorder10 (6)
  Panic disorder1 (1)
 Missing data5311
Mental health (wave 2)
 No anxiety disorder154 (86)32 (84)42 (86)50 (85)30 (91)0.900
 At least one anxiety disorder26 (14)6 (16)7 (14)9 (15)3 (9)
  Agoraphobia19 (11)
  Social anxiety disorder1 (1)
  General anxiety disorder4 (2)
  Panic disorder

1Pearson’s chi-squared test. 2Wave 1 refers to the first survey wave, and wave 2 refers to the second.