Research Article

The Poverty-Related Stress Scale: Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Measure Assessing Poverty-Related Stressors

Table 12

The final iteration of the Poverty-Related Stress Scale.

Item #ItemNeverSometimesOftenAlways

Noise disturbance items
 PRSS 1I had difficulty sleeping or doing other important things due to noise disturbances inside my home (e.g., crying infants and loud family members).1234
 PRSS 2I had difficulty sleeping or doing other important things due to noise disturbances outside my home (e.g., loud neighbors, construction, neighborhood violence, public transportation, and car alarms).1234
 PRSS 3I was reluctant to go home or return home because the noise in my house was uncomfortably loud.1234
 PRSS 4I felt the need to get up and leave when it became noisy in my house.1234
 PRSS 5I have felt stressed, irritable, or fatigued by the noise in my home.1234

Home dysfunction items
 PRSS 6Maintenance workers have condemned or threatened to condemn my home due to structural problems, poor maintenance, or other physical hazards associated with the building itself.1234
 PRSS 7My family and I have been threatened with eviction.1234
 PRSS 8I avoid people living in my home as much as possible.1234
 PRSS 9I have not felt as close to a family member or family friend because they are in jail.1234
 PRSS 10I had to take advantage of available garbage bins, charities, soup kitchens, or free events in order to eat.1234
 PRSS 11I have been forced to stay in a homeless shelter, church, other public place, or another person’s home.1234

Financial distress items
 PRSS 12I had to let go of some hopes and dreams to meet my most basic needs (shelter, food, clothing, etc.)1234
 PRSS 13I have worried about how difficult it would be to move if I had to move suddenly.1234
 PRSS 14Financial stress has negatively impacted my family’s relationship.1234
 PRSS 15I had to sacrifice or make tough decisions because of a lack of money.1234