Research Article

Loneliness during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Multicentric Case-Control Italian Study

Table 8

Multiple linear regression model predicting ULS-8 in HC.

PredictorsModel 1Model 2Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Model 7Model 8Model 9Model 10
Beta (SE) valueBeta (SE) valueBeta (SE) valueBeta (SE) valueBeta (SE) valueBeta (SE) valueBeta (SE) valueBeta (SE) valueBeta (SE) valueBeta (SE) value

Gender: male-1.66 (0.81)0.042-1.70 (0.79)0.035-1.39 (0.82)0.094-1.57 (0.82)0.057-1.54 (0.81)0.059-1.35 (0.78)0.088-1.77 (0.82)0.034-1.73 (0.81)0.037-1.60 (0.81)0.050-0.79 (0.84)0.348
Age0.04 (0.06)0.498-0.01 (0.06)0.8650.04 (0.06)0.5180.04 (0.06)0.5680.04 (0.06)0.5090.06 (0.06)0.2770.03 (0.06)0.6640.05 (0.06)0.4410.03 (0.06)0.594-0.01 (0.07)0.863
Education0.04 (0.11)0.7410.05 (0.11)0.6190.00 (0.11)0.9660.04 (0.11)0.6900.02 (0.11)0.8410.08 (0.10)0.4510.05 (0.11)0.6550.04 (0.11)0.7310.05 (0.11)0.6260.09 (0.11)0.434
Marital status: married-1.89 (0.88)0.035-0.97 (0.97)0.321-1.75 (0.88)0.049-1.86 (0.90)0.041-1.99 (0.88)0.026-1.54 (0.85)0.076-1.89 (0.88)0.035-1.76 (0.90)0.055-1.63 (0.91)0.076-0.84 (0.96)0.383
Employment status: employed0.61 (0.74)0.4170.56 (0.73)0.4450.38 (0.75)0.6120.70 (0.76)0.3600.73 (0.75)0.3290.64 (0.72)0.3710.59 (0.75)0.4350.63 (0.75)0.4040.60 (0.74)0.4190.71 (0.74)0.340
Body mass index (BMI)0.02 (0.10)0.8010.08 (0.10)0.426-0.01 (0.10)0.9180.01 (0.10)0.9070.04 (0.10)0.6800.01 (0.09)0.9310.04 (0.10)0.6860.04 (0.10)0.7220.04 (0.10)0.7090.03 (0.10)0.770
Number of relatives at home-0.53 (0.35)0.129-0.48 (0.35)0.172
Satisfaction in relationships with relatives during the COVID-19 pandemic-0.47 (0.31)0.133-0.53 (0.32)0.102
Social media use: more time on the Internet after pandemic (yes)0.44 (0.28)0.1120.19 (0.28)0.493
COVID-19 infection (yes)0.32 (0.78)0.6850.29 (0.78)0.713
Healthcare service: primary care physician0.68 (0.80)0.4010.74 (0.85)0.388
Hypercholesterolemia3.44 (2.59)0.1894.40 (2.60)0.094
DASS-21 total0.11 (0.04)0.0040.13 (0.04)0.004
GHQ-12 total-0.08 (0.10)0.446-0.01 (0.11)0.944
ISI0.05 (0.07)0.503-0.12 (0.09)0.180
MSPSS-12 total-0.02 (0.02)0.238-0.01 (0.02)0.692
change (%)3.450.0691.590.112-1.040.6110.770.1897.410.004-0.430.446-0.560.5030.420.23810.110.033

SE are the standard errors of the beta estimates. The values were obtained from the hypothesis test on the regression coefficients. Moderately significant . Strongly significant value ≤ 0.01.