Research Article

Skin Conductance Reactivity as a Predictor of Stroke-Induced Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: A Dimensional Approach

Table 3

Regression parameters for associations between skin conductance reactivity with higher-order fear, anxious arousal, and avoidance symptom dimensions when adjusting for relevant covariates.

Symptom dimension95% CI value

Higher-order fear symptoms
Age0.07[-0.03, 0.17].21.162
Gender0.79[-1.63, 3.20].08.514
Charlson Comorbidity Index-0.16[-0.93, 0.61]-.05.671
NIH stroke scale-0.12[-0.49, 0.26]-.08.536
Perceived threat during stroke/TIA0.20[-0.01, 0.40].25.061
Acute posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms0.25[0.07, 0.43].40.006
SC reactivity to recalling the stroke/TIA1.15[0.32, 1.99].36.008
Lower-order anxious arousal symptoms
Age0.03[-0.01, 0.06].22.112
Gender0.55[-0.32, 1.42].15.212
Charlson Comorbidity Index0.02[-0.26, 0.29].01.908
NIH stroke scale0.03[-0.10, 0.17].06.610
Perceived threat during stroke/TIA0.12[0.04, 0.19].37.003
Acute posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms0.10[0.03, 0.16].39.004
SC reactivity to recalling the stroke/TIA0.40[0.09, 0.70].32.011
Lower-order avoidance symptoms
Age0.03[-0.00, 0.06].29.061
Gender0.35[-0.35, 1.05].13.323
Charlson Comorbidity Index0.07[-0.16, 0.29].07.553
NIH stroke scale-0.01[-0.12, 0.10]-.02.905
Perceived threat during stroke/TIA0.02[-0.04, 0.08].10.459
Acute posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms0.09[0.03, 0.14].48.002
SC reactivity to recalling the stroke/TIA0.25[0.00, 0.49].27.047

Note: CI=confidence interval; SC=skin conductance; TIA=transient ischemic attack. value < .05.