Research Article

How Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Pandemic Affect the Depression Symptomatology in Mediterranean Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome?

Table 1

General and lifestyle characteristics of the studied population according to categories of lockdown.

Lockdown score (11 to 1 points)
Full sample
Low (6 to 1)
High (11 to ≥7)

Age at baseline, years<0.01
Men, % ()1,246 (53.9%)72.6 (535)45.1 (711)<0.01
BDI-II score
 Pre COVID-19 lockdown<0.01
 During COVID-19 lockdown<0.01
 Post COVID-19 lockdown<0.01
BDI-II ≥19b, % ()
 Pre COVID-19 lockdown5.9 (137)4.8 (35)6.5 (102)0.10
 During COVID-19 lockdown4.5 (105)3.3 (24)5.1 (81)0.04
 Post COVID-19 lockdown4.7 (109)3.8 (28)5.1 (81)0.15
History of depression, % ()21.6 (500)17.6 (130)23.5 (370)<0.01
BMIt, kg/m20.57
Education level, % ()<0.01
 Less than high school48.7 (1,125)39.6 (292)52.9 (833)
 High school or equivalent29.5 (682)30.9 (228)28.8 (454)
 University21.8 (505)29.4 (217)18.3 (288)
Smoking habit, % ()<0.01
 Never smoker44.4 (1,026)33.9 (250)49.3 (776)
 Former smoker43.5 (1,005)49.7 (366)40.6 (639)
 Current smoker12.2 (281)16.4 (121)10.2 (160)
Civil status, % ()<0.01
 Single or divorced10.8 (249)8.7 (64)11.8 (185)
 Married80.1 (1,848)86.0 (633)77.3 (1215)
 Widower9.1 (210)5.3 (39)10.9 (171)
Leisure-time physical activityt, MetS. min./day<0.01
Physical activityt, min./day
 High intensityt, MetS. min./week0.38
 Moderate intensityt, MetS. min./week<0.01
 Low intensityt, MetS. min./week0.62
17-item MedDiet scoret0.29
Alcohol consumptiont, g ethanol/d<0.01
Intervention group49.2 (1,137)48.9 (360)49.3 (777)0.04

BDI-II score: Beck Depression Inventory-II; BMI: body mass index; COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; MedDiet: Mediterranean diet. a values for comparisons between groups were tested by Student’s -test or as appropriate. bThe participants is considered to suffer depression when getting a BDI-II score of 19 or higher. tData during the prelockdown phase. There were missing data for civil status in 5 (0.22%), BMI in 1 (0.04%), physical activity in 2 (0.08%), adherence to MedDiet in 4 (0.17%), and alcohol consumption in 358 (15.5%) participants.