Research Article

Transition from Child and Adolescent to Adult Mental Health Services in Young People with Depression: On What Do Clinicians Base their Recommendation?

Table 2

Factors associated with a continuity recommendation for young people classified with unipolar depressive disorder (descriptives and model summary).

Characteristics (original non-imputed data)OR (95% CI)
(model summary on imputed data)
Discontinuity recommendation ()Continuity recommendation ()Model with general factorsModel expanded with risk factors for persistent depression

General factors associated with a recommendation to continue treatment
Clinician-rated severity of psychopathology (M (SD))2.17 (1.00)4.18 (1.10)1.45 (1.03–2.03)1.47 (1.03–2.10)
Psychotic experiences (% ())
 0 or 1 experience(s)46.3 (19)53.8 (64)RefRef
 2-16 experiences31.7 (13)29.4 (35)0.51 (0.22–1.19)0.57 (0.23–1.43)
 Missing22.0 (9)16.8 (20)
Everyday functional skills (M (SD))4.43 (0.43)4.31 (0.46)0.61 (0.24–1.53)0.75 (0.27–2.12)
Self-reported need for continued treatment (% ())
 No46.3 (19)22.7 (27)RefRef
 Yes51.2 (21)70.6 (84)1.68 (0.65–4.30)1.61 (0.60–4.31)
 Missing2.4 (1)6.7 (8)
Parent-reported need for continued treatment (% (n))
 No26.8 (11)5.9 (7)RefRef
 Yes46.3 (19)63.9 (76)2.59 (0.83–8.11)2.44 (0.74–7.98)
 Missing26.8 (11)30.3 (36)

Risk factors for persistent depression
Suicidal thoughts and behaviours (% (n))
 None61.0 (25)47.1 (56)Ref
 Suicidal thoughts and behaviours36.6 (15)46.2 (55)0.71 (0.31–1.63)
 Missing2.4 (1)6.7 (8)
Lifetime suicide attempt (% (n))
 No41.5 (17)48.7 (58)Ref
 Yes56.1 (23)43.7 (52)0.8 (0.35–1.80)
 Missing2.4 (1)7.6 (9)
Peer relationship problems (M (SD))0.70 (0.91)1.62 (1.15)1.25 (0.85–1.82)
Family dysfunction (M (SD))0.90 (1.02)1.58 (1.11)1.00 (0.69–1.44)
Parental psychopathology (% (n))
 No psychopathology34.1 (14)38.7 (46)Ref
 Psychopathology in one or both biological parents36.6 (15)28.6 (34)1.33 (0.58–3.04)
 Missing29.3 (12)32.8 (39)
Victim of bullying (% (n))
 No31.7 (13)26.9 (32)Ref
 Yes61.0 (25)63.0 (75)1.57 (0.68–3.64)
 Missing7.3 (3)10.1 (12)
Somatic comorbidity1 (% (n))14.6 (6)13.4 (16)1.57 (0.54–4.56)
Psychiatric comorbidity2 (% (n))22.0 (9)34.5 (41)1.11 (0.48–2.56)
Optimism Slope0.280.41
Corrected C-Statistic0.750.74

Note. Penalized logistic regression models were fitted, displaying odds of “continuity recommendation” versus “discontinuity recommendation” as the reference group. Gender, parental education level, and country were added as covariates. changes per imputed dataset. YP = young person; PC = parent/carer. 1Presence of serious somatic problems such as heart diseases and diabetes; 2Presence of classifications of anxiety, personality, and/or substance-use disorders.