Research Article

Pharmacological and Psychological Treatment Have Common and Specific Effects on Brain Activity in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Table 1

Demographic and clinical data presented as the .

SSRI ()CBT ()Controls () value

Age (years)1
Gender (male/female)7/1010/79/112
Highest education ()2
(i) Elementary school100
(ii) Lower professional020
(iii) Medium professional458
(iv) Higher professional121012
Time between scans (weeks)3
OCD subtype ()2
(i) Harm and checking69
(ii) Contamination and washing33
(iii) Symmetry and ordering43
(iv) Forbidden thoughts31
(v) Miscellaneous11
Duration of illness (years)4
Comorbidity ()2
(i) None55
(ii) Single78
(iii) Multiple (≥2)54
Previous treatment history ()2
(i) None89
(ii) SSRI22
(iii) CBT53
(iv) 23
(i) Baseline4
(ii) Follow-up4
Responder (yes/no)4/1313/42
(i) Baseline4
(ii) Follow-up4
(i) Baseline4
(ii) Follow-up4

Significant difference between groups, , tested with 1Kruskal-Wallis test, 2chi-squared test, 3one-way ANOVA, or 4Welch’s -test. Scales: Y-BOCS: Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; HAM-A: Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale; HAM-D: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.