Research Article

A Model for the Propagation and Control of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Disease in Kenya

Table 1

Baseline parameters used in simulation.


Transmission coefficient for asymptomatic individuals undergoing treatment0.00000126Estimated
Transmission coefficient for symptomatic individuals undergoing treatment0.00002Estimated
Transmission coefficient for the asymptomatic infectious individuals0.0003Estimated
The rate at which the immunity of recovered wanes0.003 [30]
Natural death rate0.0147 [31]
Recruitment rate0.021 [32]
Progression rate of latent infected to asymptomatic individuals0.05 [33]
Rate of tuberculosis disease-induced deaths during treatment0.065 [30]
Progression rate of latent infected to infectious individuals with disease symptoms0.1 [33]
Transmission rate of pulmonary tuberculosis0.15 [30]
Rate of screening latently infected individuals0.34 [34]
Vaccine efficacy0.5[11]
Rate of tuberculosis disease-induced deaths0.5 [34]
Rate of screening asymptomatic infectious individuals0.5 [35]
The rate at which asymptomatic infectious individuals exhibit symptoms of the disease0.6 [35]
The rate at which symptomatic individuals are treated0.68 [30]
The recovery rate of treated symptomatic individuals0.75 [32]
Vaccination rate0.8 [31]
The recovery rate of treated asymptomatic infectious individuals0.8 [30]
The recovery rate of latent treated0.85 [36]