Research Article

Development and Verification of an Immune-Based Gene Signature for Risk Stratification and Immunotherapeutic Efficacy Assessment in Gastric Cancer

Figure 8

The risk score can be predictive of prognosis of gastric cancer patients with different gene mutations. (a) Landscape of gene variations in gastric cancer samples. The mutation type is identified by a unique color. Kaplan-Meier OS curves of high- and low-risk gastric cancer patients in different subgroups of (b) TP53 mutation and (c) TP53 wild-type; (d) TTN mutation and (e) TTN wild-type; (f) MUC16 mutation and (g) MUC16 wild-type; (h) LRP1B mutation and (i) LRP1B wild-type; (j) SYNE1 mutation and (k) LRP1B wild-type.